
NEJM Audio Summary - April 5, 2012

0'59"| Thanks to a newly built software app, the Journal can now be downloaded and read in an issue format on the iPad. The NEJM iPad Edition is now available in the iTunes App Store at no charge. The app allows downloads of the full text of single issues, including figures and tables, beginning with the first issue of 2012. Individual subscribers to the Journal can log on to the new iPad app using the same username and password that they use at NEJM.org. We invite readers who use the iPad to try the new app. As always, feedback is welcome. 

次は、悪い告知(Cancer diagnosis)後に自殺や心血管死亡が増えるという論文。
6'56"| "Suicide and Cardiovascular Death after a Cancer Diagnosis" by Fang Fang. From Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm. Receiving a diagnosis of cancer is a traumatic experience that may trigger immediate adverse health consequences beyond the effects of the disease or treatment. This study of more than 6 million Swedes during 1991–2006 estimated the risk of death from suicide or cardiovascular diseases among all patients in whom cancer had recently been diagnosed. As compared with cancer-free persons, the relative risk of suicide among patients receiving a cancer diagnosis was 12.6 during the first week (29 patients) and 3.1 during the first year (260 patients). The relative risk of cardiovascular death after diagnosis was 5.6 during the first week (1318 patients) and 3.3 during the first 4 weeks (2641 patients). The risk elevations decreased rapidly during the first year after diagnosis. Increased risk was particularly prominent for cancers with a poor prognosis. In this large cohort study, patients who had recently received a cancer diagnosis had increased risks of both suicide and death from cardiovascular causes, as compared with cancer-free persons. 
 著者のFang Fangという先生、カロリンスカ研究所のプレスリリースを見ると、やはり東洋系の方のようだ。日本では、アングロサクソン風の告知が当たり前になってきたが、まだまだ中華圏やラテン文化圏では、告知率はそんなに高くはないという報告を読んだことがある。何でもかんでも告知するということに対して一石を投じる研究結果です。

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