"A 63-Year-Old Woman with a Positive Serologic Test for Syphilis and Persistent Eosinophilia", this CASE RECORD OF THE MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL discusses 63-year-old woman from Cameroon who was referred to infectious-disease specialists.今回は、WHOが指定した17つのNeglected Tropical Diseases(NTD)の1つ。"mobile"の聴き取りに難渋した。名詞でモウビール、形容詞でモウブル、いずれにせよ、前方にアクセントがあって、モバイルは完全に和製英語。
She had a positive serologic test for syphilis and persistent peripheral-blood eosinophilia. Routine chest radiograph had shown a dilated aorta with calcification.
On physical examination, there was a leopard-skin appearance of the skin of the upper back, upper buttocks, and upper thighs, with scattered hypopigmented lesions.
Though she had been sexually active only with her husband and had been a widow for 15 years, her husband had had five wives. In addition the patient had previously been treated filariasis. Transthoracic echocardiogram disclosed minimal thickening of the leaflets and moderate aortic regurgitation.Snips of the patient's skin were evaluated for microfilariae.
Donna Felsenstein discusses the diagnosis, staging and management of syphillis. And Edward Ryan describes infectious causes of persistent eosinophilia and management in this case. Video clips of the transthoracic echocardiogram and of this skin snip showing mobile microfilaria may be reviewed in NEJM.org. [Original Article]
Case 051222 "Onchocerciasis"
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