
A Sharp Right Turn

A CLINICAL PROBLEM-SOLVING article by Anupam Mohanty from University of South Florida College of Medicine in Tampa.
A 60-year-old man presented to the emergency department for evaluation of rectal bleeding, syncope, and pain in the right leg. Five days earlier, diffuse abdominal pain that worsened with movement had developed in association with nausea, anorexia, and malaise. He had not traveled recently or ingested any unusual foods. Approximately six hours before admission, he had a single episode of gross hematochezia and hematuria followed by syncope and an intense pain in his right leg.
This patient presented with multisystem findings, for which a unifying diagnosis is not immediately clear. This case involves collaboration with internist, gastroenterologist and vascular surgeon to reveal an unusual surgical condition with signs and symptoms that are similar to those of several intraabdominal diseases.
ちょいと脱線。面舵、取舵は、それぞれ干支の卯(東)、酉(西)に由来するそうだ。それに対し、英語のstar board、portは、操舵席のある側が右なのでsteer boardが訛り、接岸する左側がportというらしい。前者は、接岸する反対側なので星が良く見え、star boardという説もあるとか。

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