Diagnostic Hypothesis Generation
- Case 1 Generation of Diagnostic Hypotheses
- Case 2 Hypothesis Triggering by an Expert
- Case 3 A Diagnostic Coup
- Case 4 A Quick and Accurate Solution
- Case 5 Better Late Than Never
- Case 6 A Hit After a Miss
- Case 7 The Critical Role of Context in the Diagnostic Process
- Case 8 A Masked Marauder
Refinement of Diagnostic Hypotheses
- Case 9 A Serious Lack of Focus
- Case10 What is a Differential Diagnosis?
- Case11 An Orderly, Sequential Approach
- Case13 Narrowing Down the Diagnostic Options
- Case14 A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
- Case15 Strategies of Information Gathering
- Case16 A Fatal Flaw in Sutton's Law
- Case17 How to Disregard Red Herrings
- Case18 Discrimination: The Problem of Look-Alikes
Use and Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests
- Case19 Location, Location, Location
- Case20 Interpreting a Negative Test Result
- Case21 Diagnosis and the Risks of the Primrose
- Case22 Path Searching for a Pony
- Case24 Short-Circuiting the Diagnostic Process
- Case25 The Bypass on the Way to the Bypass
- Case26 It is What You Believe That Counts
- Case27 Renal Rescue by Reverend Bayes
- Case28 A Diagnostic Fluke
- Case29 Surprise!
- Case30 Tripping Over Technology
Causal Reasoning
- Case31 The Probability of a Probability
- Case32 Judging Causality
- Case33 Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc
- Case34 The Case for Causal Reasoning
- Case35 The Tricky Task of Attributing Causation
Diagnostic Verification
- Case36 The Right Answer for the Wrong Reason
- Case37 A Point-By-Point Dissection of Clinical Reasoning
- Case38 Leaving No Stone Unturned
- Case39 Verification
- Case40 A Meticulous Approach
- Case41 A Diagnostic Quandary
- Case42 Diagnosis by Fiat
- Case43 Iron Pyrite and Diagnostic Confirmation
Therapeutic Decision Making
- Case44 The Surgeon Opts to Operate: Why?
- Case45 Treat or Keep Testing?
- Case46 Watch and Wait, or Operate?
Examining Evidence
- Case47 An Apple or an Orange?
- Case48 A Difficult Tradeoff
- Case49 Making Judgments When the Evidence is Not
- Case50 Definitive Using and Citing Published Evidence
Cognitive Errors
- Case53 Treating Before Knowing
- Case54 A Defective Detective
- Case55 Remedies for Faulty Hypothesis Generation
- Case56 A Disaster Averted
- Case57 Derailed by the Availability Heuristic
- Case58 Wrong Diagnosis, Wrong Tests, Wrong
- Case59 Treatment Reconsidering Failures of Therapy
- Case60 The Cheetah and the Snail
Errors Some Cognitive Concepts
- Case61 A Collection of Cognitive Diagnostic
- Case62 A Message about Methods
- Case63 Memory: How We Overcome its Limitations
- Case64 Diagnosis and the Structure of Memory; Disease Polymorphism and Mental Models
- Case65 Intuitive and Inspirational, or Inductive and Incremental?
Learning Clinical Problem Solving
- Case66 Knowledge and Clinical Expertise
- Case67 Learning Clinical Reasoning from Examples
- Case68 Making a Silk Purse out of a Sow's Ear
- Case69 Optimizing Case Discussions
Clinical Problem-Solving
Jerome P Kassirer先生達がHospital Practice誌で始めたClinical Problem-Solvingは、CPCが法学のケースメソッドを医学教育に応用したものであるのに対し、より臨床の現場に即し、認知科学の成果を診断過程に応用したものである。認知科学の裾の広さは、ダニエル・カーネマンらがノーベル経済学賞を受賞したことからも窺い知ることができる。HP誌での連載の成果は、"Learning Clinical Reasoning"にまとめられ、Kassirer先生が1991年NEJM誌の編集長に就任した翌年の今日、NEJMでのClinical Problem-Solvingの連載が始まった。最近出版された"Learning Clinical Reasoning"第二版では、NEJM誌での連載の症例が付け加えられた。翻訳は、岩田健太郎教授が手掛けている。第二版の症例集の部分の目次とNEJM誌のオリジナル記事へのリンクを下に掲げておく。
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