


Always(33) 100%

  • Endocarditis is always a concern in an elderly patient with a prolonged, nonlocalizing fever. "Ring around the Diagnosis"

Usually(145) 90% / Generally(69) 75%

  • Erythema nodosum is usually a clinical diagnosis and does not generally require biopsy unless atypical features are present. "Footprints"

Often(198) / Frequently(64) 60%

  • The serum phosphate level is often low in primary hyperparathyroidism, but the presence of renal failure in this patient clearly limits its usefulness. "Stopping Short of Certainty"
  • Trichinosis frequently produces subclinical infections, but late presentations often include muscle aches, cardiac symptoms, and eye disturbances that are absent in this patient. "Where Are You From?"

Sometimes(41) 50%

  • An atrial myxoma can sometimes cause episodic dyspnea, but usually not chest pain. "Rare × Rare"

Occasionally(28) 40%

  • Back pain is occasionally the presenting symptom of endocarditis, although it is not usually associated with radiographic abnormalities. "Where Did Good Old Clinical Diagnosis Go?"

Rarely(39) 20%

  • Bacterial infections are rarely a cause of chronic diarrhea. "Needle in a Haystack"

Hardly ever(0) 10%

Never(11) 0%

  • Treatment with cephalosporins often results in a positive Coombs' test but almost never causes hemolysis. "Chest Pain with a Surprising Course"

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