
A 29-Year-Old Man with Anemia and Jaundice

Cabot CaseとClinical Problem-Solving、双方の聞き取りを継続することとする。
A 29-year-old man was admitted to this hospital because of anemia and jaundice. 
The patient had been in his usual health until 4 days before admission, when increasing fatigue, malaise, headache, intermittent testicular discomfort, yellowed eyes, dark urine, nausea, and diffuse body aches developed and chronic leg pain worsened.

The patient had been generally well, with intermittent asthma, acne, and chronic leg pain until 4 months earlier, when he traveled from an urban area of New England to his family's home in North Africa and stayed for 3 months. While he was there, a prolonged cough productive of green sputum developed, associated with fatigue, subjective fevers, chills, drenching night sweats, and intermittent dyspnea at rest, and he reportedly had a weight loss of 9.1 kg. 
There are several features of this case that are potentially important but are not easily correlated with the patient's presentation and, hence, leave us wondering about their clinical significance. Specifically, fever, cough, and weight loss developed while the patient was visiting North Africa, where he encountered a dying brother, was exposed to sheep, and drank unpasteurized milk. In addition, his medical history is notable for a previous episode of acute anemia that occurred after surgery. We must pursue a unifying diagnosis for these findings.
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Hard to spell but easy heard.
It need not cause you irritation,
Just drop the ON from CIN CIN NATION. 
The simple answer to this little riddle:
Two esses, two tees, with one ess in the middle. 
Four simple words will get you by:
What you'll never MISS IS SIP PI.




積んでおいた右掲訳本の「三人の記号―デュパン,ホームズ,パース」を読了。訳本の方は、馬鹿高い値が付いているので、原著のリンクを張っておきました。シービオクの論文だけで良ければ、「シャーロック・ホームズの記号論―C.S.パースとホームズの比較研究 (同時代ライブラリー (209)) 」として、中古本がまだ安く入手できます。しかし、ウンベルト・エーコ編の右本のほうが多彩な筆者を揃え、ジョヴァンニ・モレッリ、ジークムント・フロイト、カミロ・バルディ、ヴォルテールなどの逸話が引き合いに出され、読み応えがあります。最後は、メタ・アブダクションの説明に、ブランドのZadig & Voltaireの由来になったと思われるVoltaireの小説"Zadig ou la Destinée"が引用されていますが、これまたSerendipityの語源ともなった「セレンディップの3人の王子」にインスパイアされた作品とのこと。人間の思想の連綿とした連続性に感じ入った次第。
診断学の歴史の曙を垣間見るには得るところが多いが、推理の裏技が紹介されているわけでもなく、シャーロック・ホームズが「四つの署名(The Sign of Four)」で指摘するように、推理の実際には、観察、推理、知識が必要なように、まずは、Harrisonなどの成書に依って、しっかりとした知識が無ければ、診断力の向上はあり得ないことを悟らされることになりました。



Mark: See, there's two kinds of doctors. The kind that gets rid of their feelings. And the kind that keeps them. If you're going to keep your feelings, you're going to get sick from time to time. That's just how it works. - 24 Hours
2. Doug: At my age Mozart was dead. - Into that Good Night
3. Jerry: Dr. Carter, I presume. "Dr. Livingstone, I presume"の引用ですね。
4. [Randi is reading everyone's horoscope]
Randi Fronczak: Hey, Abby. What's your sign?
Abby Lockhart: "Out of order".
5. Benton's Mother: Your talent is God's gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God.
Dr. Kerry Weaver: Did you even take the Hippocratic Oath?
Dr. Robert Romano: I had my fingers crossed.
Nurse Lily Jarvik: Anyone seen Dr. Weaver?
Dr. Doug Ross: Follow the trail of partially-digested residents.
8. [In the OR]
Dr. Robert Romano: Will somebody turn down the damn heat. Feels like a hundred in here.
Nurse: The thermostat is set at 68 degrees.
Dr. Peter Benton: Maybe you're coming down with the flu.
Dr. Robert Romano: It's NOT the flu.
Nurse: Maybe you're going through "The Change."
9. Dr. Robert Romano: I'm beginning to think that "ER" stands for "everyone's retarded".
10. Dr. John Carter: [Instructing his med student] Grab that penis and show it who's boss.
Dr. Susan Lewis: I think you should talk to him, he seems depressed.
Abby Lockhart: He's european, it's his baseline.
12. Abby Lockhart: These are the desk clerks, Jerry and Frank, please don't feed them.


Waiting for the Other Foot to Drop

A CLINICAL PROBLEM-SOLVING article by Eileen Scully from Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston.
A 65-year-old man presented with fevers and progressive weakness. He had been well until 4 months previously, when daily fevers, sweats, fatigue, impaired concentration, and weakness developed. He also reported that pain in his feet and calves.
On physical examination, strength was normal in the proximal arms but was decreased in both wrists, the fingers, the right hip, the right foot, and the great toes bilaterally. Ambulation without supportive bracing revealed a profound foot drop on the right side (a finding that is shown in the video at NEJM.org).
The patient had undergone coronary-artery bypass grafting 15 months earlier, which had been complicated by a hernia in the upper abdominal wall that was repaired with surgical mesh. The patient's medical history also included hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection, gout, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, gastroesophageal reflux, and hypothyroidism.
Ongoing fevers in a previously well patient may be caused by infection, a malignant condition, autoimmune or inflammatory disease, or medications.
Two components of the medical history that warrant attention are the hypothyroidism which may be associated with neuropathy and the HBV infection which is associated with a painful vasculitic neuropathy. (206 words/ 99sec = 125 wpm)



  1. 「緋色の研究」の研究 via 内田樹の研究室
  2. 508夜『シャーロック・ホームズの記号論』 via 松岡正剛の千夜千冊
  3. 628夜『緋色の研究』  via 松岡正剛の千夜千冊
  4. 神経内科医としてのシャーロック・ホームズ − 神経内科医の視点から見たホームズ物語 - 神経内科
  5. 神経内科医としてのシャーロックホームズ - ホームズ物語と中毒性神経疾患 - 神経内科
  6. Faith T. Fitzgerald, Lawrence M. Tierney. The Bedside Sherlock Holmes. West J Med. 1982 August; 137(2): 169–175.
  7. J Wilbush. The Sherlock Holmes paradigm--detectives and diagnosis: discussion paper. J R Soc Med. 1992 June; 85(6): 342–345.
  8. James Reed. A medical perspective on the adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Med Humanities 2001;27:76-81
  9. Ira Martin Grais. False Scents, False Sense, and False Cents - Why Physicians Should Read Sherlock Holmes. Tex Heart Inst J. 2012; 39(3): 319–321.
  10. Richard L. Gregory. In retrospect. Nature 445, 152 (11 January 2007)
  11. How to Develop the 'Sherlock Holmes' Intuition via wikiHow
  12. "Sherlock Holmes" via Wikiquote



シャーロック・ホームズの推理を語る上で欠かせないのが、Charles Sanders Peirceが、演繹(deduction)、帰納(induction)に対する第三の思考法として用いたアブダクション(abduction)である。「仮説的推論」と訳されるこの語は、時事的には「拉致」、解剖学用語としては、「外転」の意味も有するが、共通点は、接頭辞AB-が意味する所の「離すこと」である。母国から離なして外国へ、体の中心から離して外側へ、後件(症状や犯罪)から離して前件(疾患や犯人)へ、ということである。つまり、思考法としては、因果律の反対の方向へ、後件肯定という論理学的な誤謬を使って推論する。故に、導かれた仮説は十分に因果を検証する必要がある。電池が切れていれば、懐中電灯はつかない。けれども、懐中電灯がつかないからといって、電池が切れているとは断言できない。電池がないことを確認しなければならないのである。つまり、この後件から得られた仮説とその検証の組み合わせこそが、アブダクションの本体である。だから、風邪の所見のないものに、風邪ですとは、言ってはいけないのである。

One should always look for a possible alternative and provide against it. It is the first rule of criminal investigation. "Black Peter"




13. "A Sleeping Giant" July 7, 2011 [ORIGINAL] [SCRIPT] [PODCAST] 11:45 - 13:30
228 words / 105 sec = 130 wpm
14. "A Bird's-Eye View of Fever" November 3, 2011 [ORIGINAL] [SCRIPT] [PODCAST] 10:55 - 12:27
213 words / 92 sec = 139 wpm
78歳男性、播種性ヒストプラズマ症のケース。この疾患、Ohio Valley disease、Central Mississippi River Valley disease、Appalachian Mountain diseaseの別名を持つが、Great Smoky Mountains国立公園からの想起は難易度が高い。俯瞰的な視点には、鳥の糞の知識も必要なのです。
15. "Worth a Second Look" February 2, 2012 [ORIGINAL] [SCRIPT] [PODCAST] 11:15 - 13:11
268 words / 116 sec = 139 wpm
72歳男性、クロンクハイト・カナダ症候群。冠名の筆者が論文"Generalized Gastrointestinal Polyposis — An Unusual Syndrome of Polyposis, Pigmentation, Alopecia and Onychotrophia"を発表したのもNEJMでした。検査の繰り返しの重要性が指摘されています。
16. "A Startling Decline" March 1, 2012 [ORIGINAL] [SCRIPT] [PODCAST] 9:59 - 11:41
218 words / 102 sec = 128 sec
89歳男性、Creutzfeldt–Jakob病( ICD-10コードはA810) 。発症後の平均余命は約1.2年。まさに、"startling decline"です。
17. "The Eyes Have It" September 6, 2012 [ORIGINAL] [SCRIPT] [PODCAST] 9:43 - 11:26
226 words / 103 sec = 132 wpm
69歳男性、ボツリヌス症。症状を纏めた"Dozen D's"には、目の症状が多い。
18. "The Search Is On" February 7, 2013 [ORIGINAL] [SCRIPT] [PODCAST] 11:13 - 12:56
238 words / 103 sec =139 wpm



7. "An Unintended Consequence" April 3, 2008 [ORIGINAL] [SCRIPT] [PODCAST] 12:34 - 14:16
220 words / 102 sec = 129 wpm
8. "A Gut Feeling" July 3, 2008 [ORIGINAL] [SCRIPT] [PODCAST] 11:51 - 13:50
253 words / 119 sec = 128 wpm
9. "Keeping an Open Mind" January 1, 2009 [ORIGINAL] [SCRIPT] [PODCAST] 10:53 - 12:31
218 words / 98 sec = 133 wpm
10. "A Heavy Heart" October 7, 2010 [ORIGINAL] [SCRIPT] [PODCAST] 11:47 - 13:56
261 words / 129 sec = 121 wpm
11. "Avoiding a Rash Diagnosis" February 3, 2011 [ORIGINAL] [SCRIPT] [PODCAST] 12:21 - 14:01
209 words / 100 sec = 125 wpm
74歳男性、譫妄。発疹が手掛かりになってせっかちな診断が避けられた一例。“rash”には、ドイツ語の"rasch"と同起源の「せっかちな」とスペイン語の"rascar"(掻く)と同起源の「発疹」の意味とがある。West Nile virus による脳脊髄炎。実際の皮疹は、"Characteristics of the Rash Associated with West Nile Virus Fever"などの文献を参照。
12. "Lying Low" March 3, 2011 [ORIGINAL] [SCRIPT] [PODCAST] 13:23 - 15:05
231 words / 102 sec = 136 wpm



1. "A Hole in the Argument" December 1, 2005 [ORIGINAL] [SCRIPT] [PODCAST] 14:24 - 15:32
168 words / 68 sec = 148 wpm
2. "Ring around the Diagnosis" May 4, 2006 [ORIGINAL] [SCRIPT] [PODCAST] 12:49 - 14:32
249 words / 103 sec = 145 wpm
71歳元教師、2週間続く倦怠感、熱、食欲不振、発汗の症例。肝生検の病理像のFibrin ring肉芽腫、俗にいうドーナッツ肉芽腫がヒントになった。マザーグース"Ring around the Rosie"のもとになったとも言われるペスト同様、起因菌が発見されるまで不明熱(query fever)であったQ熱が最終診断である。
3. "Into the Woods" March 1, 2007 [ORIGINAL] [SCRIPT] [PODCAST] 11:12 - 12:52
228 words / 100 sec = 137 wpm
4. "Nothing to Cough At" October 4, 2007 [ORIGINAL] [SCRIPT] [PODCAST] 13:04 - 4:45
230 words / 101 sec = 137 wpm
5. "No Respecter of Age" November 1, 2007 [ORIGINAL] [SCRIPT] [PODCAST] 11:04 - 12:40
237 words / 96 sec = 148 wpm
6. "A Key Miscommunication" March 6, 2008 [ORIGINAL] [SCRIPT] [PODCAST] 13:10 - 14:44
194 words / 94 sec = 124 wpm