- This patient presents with ... 症例の要約をする。
- The first thing that come to mind is ... 素直に思い浮かぶことから。
- I would worry about ... 素直に思い浮かぶことから。
- My first concern would be ... 素直に思い浮かぶことから。
- The differential diagnosis of/for symptoms is broad/includes ... 早速、鑑別診断を。
- The possible causes of symptoms include ... 早速、鑑別診断を。
- The combination of symptoms suggest ... 早速、鑑別診断を。
- The patient's initial presentation is consistent with the presence of ... 早速、鑑別診断を。
- My approach begins with two questions: Where is the lesion? What is the lesion? アプローチの一般論から始める例。
- One of the most important first steps in approaching a patient is to frame the problem -- that is, to define it in terms of either a diagnosis or a syndrome and then to think about it both pathophysiologically and probabilistically. アプローチの一般論から始める例。
NLPでいう"eye accessing cue"では、左は過去、右は未来と関連付けられています。診断過程におけるsign, symptomは過去(既知)、diagnosis, diseaseは未来(未知)で、それぞれsinistral(左側)、dextral(右側)と頭文字が一致するのは、興味深いですね。
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